A local man was jailed a total of 12 years and ordered to be given two strokes of cane by the Sessions Court here for three gang robbery charges.
Judge Ismail Brahim imposed the sentence on Abdulsan b Abdul @ Roy, 30, after the latter pleaded guilty to all the charges while he was on trial.
The hearing of the case was supposed to continue yesterday but Abdul hasan changed his not guilty plea when the prosecution’s fifth witness Mohd Azrul b Jumat who was one of the victims in the cases, testified in court.
The first charge accused Abdulsan of robbing Mohd Ridzuan b Jaapar, 16, and his friend of a hand phone and a pair of shoes in front of Bank Negara here.
He admitted to committing the offence with three accomplices who are still at large about 6. 3Opm on Oct 6, last year.
For the second charge, Abdulan was accused of robbing Mohd Azrul, 21, of a hand phone about 7.3Opm on Oct 8, last year at an abandoned construction site next to Bank Negara here.
The offence was committed with two accomplices who are still at large.
Meanwhile for the third charge, Abdulsan was accused of robbing Herman b Erip’s RM700cash at the flower park in front of the Kota Kinabalu Court Building here about 7.l5pm on Oct11 last year with two accomplices who are still at large.
Each of the charges under Section 395 of the Penal Code provides a jail term of up to 20 years and whipping on conviction.
During mitigation, Prosecuting Officer ASP Sabrina Jinius applied to the court to imposea deterrent sentence on the accused.
Ismail sentenced Abdulsan to three years’ jail for the first charge and four years plus one stroke of cane for the second cbarge while for the third charge, he was jailed five years and ordered to be given one stroke of cane.
However, Abdulsan will only serve five years in prison after the court ordered the jail sentences to run concurrently.
The accused was unrepresented by any lawyer.